LBCC's Media Preferences Survey; Take it to Let Our School Advertise to New and Returning Students More Efficiently! The Commuter Nov 10, 2021
Welcome to week seven of fall term! As we dive into studying for finals, finishing up class work, and continuing in that ever too familiar overall panic mode, remember to take a minute to help LB better understand some critical information for marketing, communication and recruitment methods by filling out a quick survey from LB’s Communications & Marketing department.
The username is oregon (all lowercase) and the password is OREGON (all uppercase).
The questionnaire will take about 20-30 minutes to complete and is overall easy to understand. The survey is completely anonymous, and the information you give will only be available to the survey makers. As an incentive, all survey participants may sign up for a raffle. There are 14 $50 gift cards and one grand prize $200 gift card, all for the campus store, all waiting to be won. But you better hurry, time is ticking! The survey closes on Nov. 12.
The survey is for enrolled LBCC students only, and is available on tablet, smartphone, and computer. The information you give is important in order for LBCC to enhance their marketing efforts in student recruitment, student resources, and communication between students, staff, and faculty.